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These are the Smoke Shops gaining the most popularity this week.
Smoke Busters 3 Vape Shop
777 west church street, Suite C, 14 LEXINGTON,TN
Smokers Paradise
3128 Highway 28 E Pineville,LA
Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop
1405 Dewey Ave Rochester,NY
Three Rivers Smoke Shop
17800 S Memorial Dr Bixby,OK
Kingston Cigar Shop
1525 Old Trolley Rd Summerville,SC
Hill Country Humidor
122 N L B J Dr San Marcos,TX
popular Smoke Shops on facebook Most popular posts on Facebook today
This is a list of the most liked posts on facebook fanpages of Smoke Shops today that are in our directory.
Top Smoke Shops online Top 6 Smoke Shops on Facebook
This is a list of the most popular Smoke Shops online based on the number of fans they have.

Rock Fantasy
75 W Main St Middletown,NY
Sound Attitude
630 North Palora Avenue Yuba City,CA
Rogue Dreams
1247 Lincoln Road Allegan,MI
These are the top 6 Smoke Shops in the United States based on number of fans on thier facebook fan pages. This list is subject to change as more Smoke Shops owners update their business information.
Miss Iowa's Answer to the Marijuana Question About Recreational Use

I had to watch this twice just to make sure that she DID say it should be used for Recreation! 

Product called Vaportini Makes Alcohol Inhalable

Vaportini looks like a glass bong and could be the next biggest thing for bars and smoke shops. Light it, pour a shot of alcohol, and inhale using a glass straw. Getting drunk never got easier!

Legalization of Marijuana in Hawaii?

Hawaii could become the next Amsterdam is marijuana is legalized there just like Washington and Colorado. Latest poll suggest that 57% are in favor of marijuana laws simalar to Washington/Colorado.

Glass Pipes in Child's Sponge Bob Socks

A woman got pulled over in Muskego, WI. for expired license tag, cops found: THC, needles, glass pipes, and 'roaches'. 

MMM3 Official Meet and Greeat at Empire Smoke Shop

If you are anywhere near San Leandro California, go checkout the official meet and greet of Miscreants Motorcycles & Music 3.

Get autographs from: The Jacka, Mike P The Big Homie, and many more

This will also be the 'Nickle & Dime Clothing Co.' release party.

More info on their facebook page: Click Here

Kulture Releases its Own Line of Glass Pipes

Kulture, a shop opened up as an outlet for the clothing and music in Richmond Virginia, now offers glass pipes from all american made glass.

Broke Glass to Steal Glass Pipes :: 2 Teens Arrested

Two Long Island teenagers have been arrested for allegedly stealing $10,000 worth of glass tobacco pipes.

Nassau County police say the theft occurred in November at the Twisted Glass in Wantagh.
According to Newsday, police say the suspects gained access by breaking a window and then removing 19 “artisan bongs.”
The teens, both 16, face charges of third-degree burglary.
They were arrested over the weekend.
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Head Shops & Smoke Shops Near Me
143.8 miles
Pipe Dreams Smoke a..
339.3 miles
Herbal Zensations
392.0 miles
The Hempest
1.0 miles
1.2 miles
The Hempest
1.4 miles
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